Next Meeting
Our next meeting is Thursday, May 30th. We have Jay Harris who will be talking about managing your website's production code in a talk
entitled "From localhost to production: Managing your code with Azure DevOps".
From localhost to production: Managing your code with Azure DevOps
Your code compiles. Your unit tests pass. Your website works on localhost. But “It works on my machine” does not get your site deployed to your production
environment. Azure DevOps can handle much of the process of between localhost and production. Continuous Integration can build and test your application;
release workflows can automate your deployments to test and production environments; and everything can be customized to employ manual interaction and
gatekeeping for quality control and human oversight. Getting your application to production does not need to be an invasive, manual process. Learn to use
the strength of Azure DevOps to manage your path to Production.
Topics Covered
- An introduction to Continuous Integration and Azure DevOps.
- Building a basic continuous integration pipeline.
- Extending continuous integration for unit testing.
- Considering source control branches, pull requests, and build quality.
- Artifacts: Handling compiler output.
- Building a basic continuous deployment pipeline.
- Extending the deployment pipeline through additional environments.
As usual, the meeting will held at Rob Roy's Innevation Center and the meeting will begin at 6:00 PM.
The dotNet will meeting this month at the inNEVation Center, located at 6795 Edmond Street, Las Vegas, NV 89118, 3rd floor.
The inNEVation Center is located in the southwest part of town, just south of the 215 (South) and just west of Decatur. Exit southbound onto Decatur from the 215,
turn right on Badura Avenue and then another right on Edmond Street. The inNEVation Center is located in the west building. It's the building with the "Switch" logo.
2019 Meeting Schedule
January 31th, Thursday
Gerardo Melendrez
Deploying an UWP App on Windows 10 IoT Core on a Raspberry Pi
February 28th, Thursday
Gerardo Melendrez
More on Windows 10 IoT Core running on a Raspberry Pi
March 28th, Thursday
Christina Aldan
Better UX with Emotional Intelligence
April 25th, Thursday
Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Launch
May 30th, Thursday
Jay Harris
June 27th, Thursday
July 25th, Thursday
August 29th, Thursday
September 26th, Thursday
October 31th, Thursday
Because of the holidays, the group does not meet in November or December.